Thursday, January 23, 2014

There is P O W E R in I-Statements

There is so much power in our words, especially the words we say to ourselves.  Take a moment and think about the words you say to yourself? Are they harsh, are they great, do they help you succeed or fail? What words do you hate to hear, what words hurt you, and what bring you pain? What would you rather hear?


Step 1#

Take a blank piece of paper and fold the paper hot dog style. On one side of the paper write down everything you say to yourself that is negative and all the things people have said to you that you didn't like and want to change etc… then on the other side change those words with positive, opposite affirmations. 


*You are stupid there must be                    *I am smart and have so much to offer &
something wrong with you.                          give to the world.
*I am fat and ugly.                                      *I have beautiful curves and a gorgeous        
                                                                       figure. Today I will take care of this
                                                                       lovely body God has given me.

Step #2

Now take a note card, lips stick, or markers and a poster board … whatever it is you choose to use and write down all the positive I statements you came up with. The things you wish people said or you said to yourself. I've done I statements in many ways, with eyeliner on my mirror when I was pregnant, with a note card my beautiful sister-in-law made to say to myself, or  permanent marker on your wall or on a canvas. 

Step #3 Now place this on your mirror, on your door you use everyday, or on your dashboard in your car. Say or yell these positive affirmations to yourself everyday for the whole month, year, or however long it takes until you believe them. 

Do this exercise over and over again until you no longer say one negative thing about yourself. 


These are mine this month:

I Andrea Bolles am wonderful. People love to be around me. I am a leader and I have much knowledge to offer to the world. I have power to help others find happiness. I will do whatever it takes to create a life I love, to create better habits of health. I am 100% in control of my life, my moods, and my actions. I have power to choose to make my life better. I am amazing inside and out. I am someone to be remembered and cherished. 

Take the time to be the change the world will want to see. 


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