To often we want time to pass and don't stop to enjoy the present. Or often we are looking to the future when we will have more money, be married, have kids, have a home, or whatever we dream about and don't have right now. So many of us take for granted the moment and never sit still enough to capture that memory so deep that we will never forget it.
I have to many moments I want to stop time for a little longer, a few weeks, days, or months. I hate having my little man grow up so fast. I sometimes hate growing older due to the fact time is ticking away and sooner or later I will be kid-less, old & gray. I want more time to enjoy the moments I get with friends, family and my darling husband.
Eastin is in such a fun stage right now. He throws intense fits and wants so badly to tell me what he wants but can't. He is so stubborn with walking. He will walk for friends and my parents but not for me and I love that about him. He wants things right now and will scream to get my attention. He wants to move all over the house and never stop. He loves exploring the body such as the belly button, eyes lashes, ears holes, nostrils, mouths and teeth. He loves stairs, cords, forbidden rooms, new places, new faces, and music. He loves to dance, roll around, and crawl through things. He loves playing under blankets as if they are magical. He loves to cuddle, massage me, play with my hair and touch my eye lashes. He is giving people high fives, waving, clapping his hands, and pointing at things. He is notices who people are… today he pointed at a picture of Westin and said "da da." He loves to turn the pages in books. He wants to touch computers, phones, anything electronic. He loves to smile with his face all scrunched up. He thinks its funny to throw his food and spit. All these moments I couldn't enjoy and observe if I didn't try to stay in the present.
I love every minute I've had with my husband. I remember the first time I met him. I was crazy about him. It was definitely love at first site. First night I met him he got my number & called me the next day to take me out. We've been inseparable ever sense. I remember our first kiss, the day I said I love you, hockey games, our engagement, wedding day, honeymoon, the day I told him we were going to be parents, trips together, adventure, nights we talked for hours, anniversaries, the night before we had our son, the day Eastin was born, bringing him home for the first time, days apart and much more.
I have enjoyed a lot of my life in my 20's. I may have wanted to grow up to fast in my teens which I still regret…I had tons of fun and have great memories but I took a lot of those years for granted. My childhood was a dream come true. Now my 20's are the best, mainly because I learned to cherish the moment and enjoy the journey. I overcame an addiction I didn't realize I had. I made amazing friends I will have for life. I enjoyed the dating, getting married and having a child or children. So much has happened over the past 7 years that I love and have no regrets for. Talking to friends I hear I want to get married or I wish I had kids, or I wish this or that but WHY WISH for so much and not appreciate what you do have at this time period. No amount of money is going to change your happiness if you are not happy now. No guy will make you happy if you are not happy now. Kids take up all your time and are exhausting but worth it. I cherish every moment I had before kids and laugh at how much I wish I could have a day to myself and have a hard time getting 10 minutes to myself to get ready or take a shower on some days.
Life is amazing and we all need to enjoy the journey more. I love talking to friend who are going through pregnancy and are shocked at how hard it actually is. New mom's who realize they get sad sometimes because they don't get enough adult interaction and feel depressed when there husbands come home and don't want to talk due to exhausting or a bad days. Life is full of ups and downs and its beautiful.
TODAY and Everyday I am just enjoying this journey. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL… but catch me on a good day and good moment bc any second I could change my mind but the next day I will be back to thinking how lucky I am again.
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