Monday, December 16, 2013

Create your own habits of health

To often we take for granted the beautiful gift we have...OUR BODIES.

Take a minute and think about the beautiful gift God gave us…Our bodies. They do so much for us. Focus on breathing and meditate.

STEP 1: Close your eyes and envision:
Envision exactly what your body does...what it feels...what it's thinking...what it wants....and most importantly what it needs?

Write it down!

STEP 2: Close your eyes again
Think about how you treat your body? (past and present) How have you nourished it, cared for it, and have spoken to your body?

 (write it down)

STEP 3: Close your eyes again
How would you treat yourself in the future? What would you do differently today, tomorrow? What would you change? How will you motivate yourself to make a better you? To create a better happiness and get the results you want?

STEP 4: close your eyes again

NOW reach it!!!...What are your goals to get to where you want to be?  What are the steps you will take each day? How will you get there? How will you be that change you want to see?

(write it down)

Do this everyday if you have to! 


IF YOU DON'T DO IT YOURSELF, no one else will! 

YOUR BODY IS BEAUTIFUL but it DESERVES BEAUTY, RESPECT, and LOVE! Care for your body today, take those steps do be a better YOU...A HEALTHIER YOU!

Don't get down by the abuse you may have given it up to this point, change today, and care for it tomorrow....

Bodies have an incredible way of healing themselves. No matter how much you've done to your body, there is always a way back to better health. It has a incredible way of healing it's deepest wounds either emotional or physical.

Here are my own habits of health!

I read, I write: I take time everyday to read from the scripture, write in my journal, read from the ensign etc… If I don't do this first I cannot have my heavenly father guide me throughout my day. SPIRITUAL STRENGTH is my everything.

THIS IS MY GYM: I hate going to the gym so I put on my walking shoes and I walk, I run, I skip, I breath, I think, I create, and I care for who I am and what I want to be.

I SWIM: I jump, I dive, I float above and beneath. I feel free here, I feel open, I feel light, I feel beautiful, I rejuvenate, and I love.

I EAT: I choose to eat 6 small meals a day, (most days), I choose to eat more greens, drink more water, not over eat, prepare meals ahead of time, plan, and not buy things that would cause inflammation in my joints, hurt my belly and/or cause head aches.

I SLEEP: I try to get at least 7 hours a sleep, even with a baby. Early to bed early to rise is my goal on most days. SLEEP keeps you looking young, it's important for your digestive track, it helps your body breath correctly.

I STRETCH: I help stretch the bones and joints that need some extra pull. Some stretches relax me while others move oxygen through my body giving me the energy I need. Stretching gets me in tune with my body, it's aches, it needs for nourishment, it helps me relax enough to meditate and create.

I DANCE: Dancing gives me energy that nothing else can. I love the music, the beats, the freedom, the ability to release and express myself.

I LIFT: My goal is to lift weights to get strong, to get my bones healthy so that I can keep going even in my 70's.

I BREATH: breathing helps anxiety and helps get my blood flowing and moving in all the right places. I breath through anger, frustration, sadness, and for clarity.

I TAKE TIME: For my friends, my family, and myself. It's important to find balance in the things that make you happy.

I MEDITATE: I connect with my inner self...I find my balance, my motivation, my needs, my goals and my bodies desires.

I PLAN: I take time to write down my goals, my visions, my daily steps,  and my weekly goals. I plan for the future. 

I would love to help people discover a better them, to care for there bodies, to get healthy and be happier.



What are you habits of health? Private message me if your interested in created a better you and learning about what I do to be a better me :).

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